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高效分发 任务


Get started

Carefuly crafted components ready to use in your project

Use Atomic Design to build components, sections and, then, pages.

Unleash you creativity


Get more results


Increase your audience

Quick Website UI Kit (FREE) contains components and pages that are easy to customize and change.

Need a quick admin panel for your website?

With Quick you get components and examples, including tons of variables that will help you customize this theme with ease.

  • Perfect for modern startups
  • Ready to be customized
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A modern project management dashboard

With Quick you get components and examples, including tons of variables that will help you customize this theme with ease.

  • Perfect for modern startups
  • Ready to be customized
  • Designed for every devices
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Are you ready to grow faster?

Create your own experience

Learn more
Listen to the nature

Design made simple with a clean and smart HTML markup.

Rules not to follow

Design made simple with a clean and smart HTML markup.

Beware the water

Design made simple with a clean and smart HTML markup.

Listen to the nature

Design made simple with a clean and smart HTML markup.

Rules not to follow

Design made simple with a clean and smart HTML markup.

Beware the water

Design made simple with a clean and smart HTML markup.

Key features
Quick is a premium HTML template that includes adaptable components and pages for various industries, plus new ones each month.
100% Responsive

Built to be customized.

Based on Bootstrap 4

Built to be customized.

Built with SASS

Built to be customized.

300+ components

Built to be customized.

23+ widgets

Built to be customized.

Bootstrap Flexbox Grid

Built to be customized.

Animate CSS

Built to be customized.

Integrated plugins

Built to be customized.

Smart HTML markup

Built to be customized.

Complete features at your hand

Thousands of developers around the world have already made Quick the main tool for building websites.

Standard License
  • 1 end product
  • Use for personal or a client
  • Use in a free end product
  • 6 months technical support
Purchase now
Extended License
  • 1 end product
  • Use for personal or a client
  • Use in a free end product
  • Use in an end product that is sold
  • 6 months technical support
Purchase now

Both pricings contains all 6 months free support. Need more?

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